Saturday, May 8, 2010

Commission of Inquiry

The last participation topic really got me thinking.  Senator Patrick Leahy proposed to create a Commission of Inquiry to examine the national security faults of the Bush Administration that led to torturing detainees, warantless wiretapping, and more.  I firmly stand by Senator Leahy's proposal for such a commission.  With everything that is happening, national security is definitely a huge factor in the success of our nation in the present and the future.  In order to move forward and further our national security, we must first understand what has happened in the past regarding this issue.  With the Bush Administration's faults leading to such problems as previously stated, past national security needs to be examined and studied so that such problems do not again arise in the future.  Just like any other major event in history, as Americans, we study what has happened so that we can not only make the same mistakes over and over with the same outcome, but we need to study it also to learn from the mistakes and fix whatever problems occurred so that America's national security is not a major problem in the future.  Although there were problems, as with anything, everyone makes mistakes.  The Bush Administration is no different.  They made mistakes regarding several things, including national security.  It just so happens that the national security issue is a major one and desperately needs to be addressed.  With a Commission of Inquiry, we would have specific people diving into the Bush Administration's national security plans and study just what went wrong and also what went right. 

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