Friday, February 12, 2010

The Race for Texas Governor

The race for governor is on.  Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina was doing quite well...until now.  She is currently dealing with the fallout from her statements regarding the 9/11 attacks.  Talk show host Glenn Beck questioned her on whether or not she thought the United States government was involved in the tragic attacks.  She tried to dodge the question, stating she didn't have enough information on the subject to provide an answer, but she did say that there are very good arguments in regard to America being involved.  She later tried to do damage control by stating that she didn't believe the government was actually involved, but the damage had already been done.  Perry and Hutchison pounced on the chance to sling mud at their competitor, saying she is "un-American" for believing the U.S. was involved in the attacks.  I feel this is a very good article displaying the tensions among the candidates before the election, which is obviously very important to Texas at this time. 

Read more here: Debra Medina

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